ASCE Earth and Space Conference
Organized by Missouri University
of Science and Technology
Phone: (573) 341-4200
Fax: (573) 341-4992
Aerospace Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

The Aerospace Division of the American Society of Civil Engineeers is dedicated to:
- Bringing the experience and knowledge of engineering to bear on the exploration and settlement of space, by research and development of:
- Methodologies for the responsible utilization of space resources; and
- Methodologies for designing, constructing, operating, and maintaining non-terrestrial facilities.
- Supporting the characterization of non-terrestrial environments, to better design, construct, and maintain terrestrial and non-terrestrial facilities of all types, and to augment scientific data obtained therefrom;
- Improving the economic attractiveness of space for commercial investment;
- Educating multiple stakeholders, to include:
- Civil, geological, and mining engineers; regarding their opportunities in the space program, the terrestrial uses of space-based technologies (including but not limited to remote sensing), the potential benefits of the economic development and settlement of space, and the application of their profession to the profoundly different environments found off the Earth;
- The space industry; regarding the crucial role of civil, geological, and mining engineers in the exploration and development of space; and
- The general public; regarding the benefits expected from the economic development of space, and the essential role of all engineers in the space program.
- And, promoting international cooperation in space activities.